Protect Your Reputation

Insurance from Specialists in your chosen field:
your ultimate Insurance Partner.

From doctors to dentists to nurses to pharmacists and all those in between, we are here to help you with your Medical Malpractice Insurance requirements. Find out which policies are best suited to your situation and speak with a member of the team to find out how we can help.

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Our mission is to help provide you with tailored insurance coverage from leading insurers that safeguards your business, your patients, clients, and your reputation.

1. Negligence

For negligence claims where there is scenarios such as incorrect treatment or misdiagnosis

2. Breach of Confidence

For events where within the business, there is a breach of confidentiality which subsequently causes harm to the patient

3. Misuse of information

For claims where there is misuse of information

4. Legal Costs

For disciplinary proceedings or for general legal costs associated with claims under the policy

& so much more!

Some of the Insurer Partners we use

The below is only a short snippet of the markets available, these are just the ones we are able to display currently.

CFC Underwriting

What type of claims does Medical Malpractice Insurance cover? Some examples could be:

Delayed Diagnosis

A doctor fails to refer a patient to a specialist consultant that is needed, which then leads to a significantly delayed diagnosis and treatment, increasing the patient’s suffering which could then also lead to more severe outcomes.

Poor note-keeping

A nurse fails to take proper patient observations or note changes in their condition on their record, with catastrophic results.

Failure to do the basics

A hairdresser skips doing a patch test on a client before dying their hair, and they suffer a severe allergic reaction and burns to their scalp. Something in which is so simple, but of which has severe consequences.

Cutting corners

A personal trainer fails to demonstrate an exercise adequately and pushes a client too hard, meaning they slip a disc. Do not forget the basics.


A dentist takes out the wrong tooth, necessitating further extraction work and treatment to correct the mistake. The same could apply to a surgeon, removing the wrong limb for example - the same remedy is thus required.

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